[OSDI '20] Serving DNNs like Clockwork: Performance Predictability from the Bottom Up
[ISCA '20] MLPerf Inference Benchmark
[SOSP '19] Nexus: A GPU Cluster Engine for Accelerating DNN-Based Video Analysis
[ISCA '19] MnnFast: a fast and scalable system architecture for memory-augmented neural networks
[EuroSys '19] μLayer: Low Latency On-Device Inference Using Cooperative Single-Layer Acceleration and Processor-Friendly Quantization
[EuroSys '19] GrandSLAm: Guaranteeing SLAs for Jobs in Microservices Execution Frameworks
[OSDI '18] Pretzel: Opening the Black Box of Machine Learning Prediction Serving Systems
[NSDI '17] Clipper: A Low-Latency Online Prediction Serving System
Parallelism & Distributed Systems
[NSDI '23] ARK: GPU-driven Code Execution for Distributed Deep Learning
[OSDI '22] Unity: Accelerating DNN Training Through Joint Optimization of Algebraic Transformations and Parallelization
[EuroSys '22] Varuna: Scalable, Low-cost Training of Massive Deep Learning Models
[SC '21'] Chimera: Efficiently Training Large-Scale Neural Networks with Bidirectional Pipelines
[ICML '21] PipeTransformer: Automated Elastic Pipelining for Distributed Training of Large-scale Models
[OSDI '20] A Unified Architecture for Accelerating Distributed DNN Training in Heterogeneous GPU/CPU Clusters
[ATC '20] HetPipe: Enabling Large DNN Training on (Whimpy) Heterogeneous GPU Clusters through Integration of Pipelined Model Parallelism and Data Parallelism
[NeurIPS '19] GPipe: Efficient Training of Giant Neural Networks using Pipeline Parallelism
[SOSP '19] A Generic Communication Scheduler for Distributed DNN Training Acceleration
[SOSP '19] PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training
[EuroSys '19] Parallax: Sparsity-aware Data Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networks
[arXiv '18] Horovod: fast and easy distributed deep learning in TensorFlow
[ATC '17] Poseidon: An Efficient Communication Architecture for Distributed Deep Learning on GPU Clusters
[EuroSys '16] STRADS: A Distributed Framework for Scheduled Model Parallel Machine Learning
[EuroSys '16] GeePS: Scalable Deep Learning on Distributed GPUs with a GPU-specialized Parameter Server
[OSDI '14] Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server
[NIPS '12] Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks
GPU Cluster Management
[OSDI '22] Looking Beyond GPUs for DNN Scheduling on Multi-Tenant Clusters
[NSDI '22] MLaaS in the Wild: Workload Analysis and Scheduling in Large-Scale Heterogeneous GPU Clusters
[OSDI '21] Pollux: Co-adaptive Cluster Scheduling for Goodput-Optimized Deep Learning
[NSDI '21] Elastic Resource Sharing for Distributed Deep Learning
[OSDI '20] Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads
[OSDI '20] AntMan: Dynamic Scaling on GPU Clusters for Deep Learning
[NSDI '20] Themis: Fair and Efficient GPU Cluster Scheduling
[EuroSys '20] Balancing Efficiency and Fairness in Heterogeneous GPU Clusters for Deep Learning
[NSDI '19] Tiresias: A GPU Cluster Manager for Distributed Deep Learning
[ATC '19] Analysis of Large-Scale Multi-Tenant GPU Clusters for DNN Training Workloads
[OSDI '18] Gandiva: Introspective cluster scheduling for deep learning
Memory Management for Machine Learning
[ASPLOS '23] DeepUM: Tensor Migration and Prefetching in Unified Memory
[ATC '22] Memory Harvesting in Multi-GPU Systems with Hierarchical Unified Virtual Memory
[MobiSys '22] Memory-efficient DNN Training on Mobile Devices
[HPCA '22] Enabling Efficient Large-Scale Deep Learning Training with Cache Coherent Disaggregated Memory Systems
[ASPLOS '20] Capuchin: Tensor-based GPU Memory Management for Deep Learning
[ASPLOS '20] SwapAdvisor: Push Deep Learning Beyond the GPU Memory Limit via Smart Swapping
[ISCA '19] Interplay between Hardware Prefetcher and Page Eviction Policy in CPU-GPU Unified Virtual Memory
[ISCA '18] Gist: Efficient Data Encoding for Deep Neural Network Training
[PPoPP '18] SuperNeurons: Dynamic GPU Memory Management for Training Deep Neural Networks
[MICRO '16] vDNN: Virtualized Deep Neural Networks for Scalable, Memory-Efficient Neural Network Design
Scheduling & Resource Management
[ASPLOS '23] ElasticFlow: An Elastic Serverless Training Platform for Distributed Deep Learning
[arXiv '22] EasyScale: Accuracy-consistent Elastic Training for Deep Learning
[MLSys '22] VirtualFlow: Decoupling Deep Learning Models from the Underlying Hardware
[SIGCOMM '22] Multi-resource interleaving for deep learning training
[EuroSys '22] Out-Of-Order BackProp: An Effective Scheduling Technique for Deep Learning
[ATC '21] Zico: Efficient GPU Memory Sharing for Concurrent DNN Training
[NeurIPS '20] Nimble: Lightweight and Parallel GPU Task Scheduling for Deep Learning
[OSDI' 20] KungFu: Making Training in Distributed Machine Learning Adaptive
[OSDI '20] PipeSwitch: Fast Pipelined Context Switching for Deep Learning Applications
[MLSys '20] Salus: Fine-Grained GPU Sharing Primitives for Deep Learning Applications
[SOSP '19] Generic Communication Scheduler for Distributed DNN Training Acceleration
[EuroSys '18] Optimus: An Efficient Dynamic Resource Scheduler for Deep Learning Clusters
[HPCA '18] Applied Machine Learning at Facebook: A Datacenter Infrastructure Perspective
Deep Learning Compiler
[PLDI '21] DeepCuts: A Deep Learning Optimization Framework for Versatile GPU Workloads
[OSDI '18] TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning
Deep Learning Recommendation Models
[SOSP '23] Bagpipe: Accelerating Deep Recommendation Model Training
[OSDI '22] FAERY: An FPGA-accelerated Embedding-based Retrieval System
[OSDI '22] Ekko: A Large-Scale Deep Learning Recommender System with Low-Latency Model Update
[EuroSys '22] Fleche: An Efficient GPU Embedding Cache for Personalized Recommendations